Post Session Report: February 3, 2010

SB 1169, PN 1620:  This bill amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) providing for the collection of restitution, reparation, fees, costs, fines and penalties.  A vote of 50-0 was recorded.

Post Session Report: February 2, 2010

SB 298, PN 1624:  This bill amends the Clean and Green Program that is administered by the Department of Agriculture at the state level under the Preferential Assessment of Farmland and Forestland Assessment Act.  A vote of 50-0 was recorded. Executive Nominations The...

Post Session Report: February 1, 2010

SB 828, PN 1621:   The bill amends Act 39 of 1945 (Public eating and Drinking Place Law) to allow non-profit groups to sell food that has been prepared in private homes which are not licensed or inspected by the department.  A vote of 49-0 was recorded. SB 1077, PN...

Post Session Report: January 26, 2010

HB 485, PN 2436:  This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes & Offenses) providing for the offense of illegal dumping of methamphetamine waste and for operating a methamphetamine laboratory.  A vote of 50-0 was recorded. January 27, 2010 SB 1091, PN 1444:  This bill amends...

Post Session Report: January 25, 2010

HB 458, PN 1377:  This bill designates a bridge in Huntingdon County as the Queen Aliquippa Bridge.  A vote of 50-0 was recorded. HB 1801, PN 2404:  This bill designates a bridge in Allegheny County as the Milton L. Lebowitz Memorial Bridge.  A vote of 50-0 was...

Post Session Report: January 5, 2010

SB 711, PN 1563 – This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements) and Title 64 (Public Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations) by implementing various reform measures related to gaming in Pennsylvania and provides for the implementation of table games at the various gaming...