Session Weekly Wrap-Up
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 24, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 3, which establishes a PA Health Insurance Exchange Authority to create, manage and maintain the PA Health Insurance Exchange. The bill authorizes the Insurance Department to apply for a federal state innovation waiver to...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 17, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 276, known nationally as “Marsy’s Law.” The measure would place the Crime Victim’s Bill of Rights in the state’s constitution. The amendment would enshrine into the state constitution rights that include notifications and...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 10, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 619, which recognizes June 19 of each year as “Juneteenth National Freedom Day” in Pennsylvania. The holiday is a reference to June 19, 1865 in Galveston, Texas, when slaves in that state learned they had been freed....
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 3, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 275, which amends the Municipalities Financial Recovery Act by changing the name of the “Early Intervention Program” to the “Strategic Management Planning Program.” House Bill 275 became Act 6 of 2019. *** The Senate...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of May 6, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved of House Bill 279, which provides limited immunity to someone who tries to help an ailing person from a vehicle. The immunity applies if the individual entering the vehicle: believes the person in the car is in imminent danger;...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of April 29, 2019
The Senate approved Senate Bill 48 by a vote of 27-21. The bill would have prohibited the Pennsylvania Department of State from disapproving or decertify voting machines in 50 percent or more counties unless the department submitted a written plan to the President Pro...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of April 8, 2019
The Senate unanimously passed House Bill 264, which creates a standardized procedure for municipal authorities to handle funds. The bill requires the treasurer of an authority to deposit funds into properly designated accounts. The measure also requires authorities to...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of March 25, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 49, which would protect a person from civil liability for damaging a vehicle if they forcibly entered it to save a child from imminent danger This legislation would provide this protection if: the child is in imminent...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of March 18, 2019
The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 113, which amends the Public Employee Pension Forfeiture Act to impose pension and benefit forfeiture on any public official or employee found guilty, pleading guilty or no contest to a crime related to their government...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of February 4, 2019
The Senate approved Senate Bill 9 by a vote of 48-1. The bill would designate the Eastern hellbender as the official amphibian of the state. The bill was referred to the House State Government committee. *** The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 26 which would...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of October 15, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 689, which would have amended the Real Estate Appraisers Certification Act (Act 98 of 1990) by providing for the appointment of two Certified Pennsylvania Evaluators to serve on the State Board of Certified Real Estate...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of October 1, 2018
The Senate passed Senate Bill 623 by a vote of 47-1. The bill formalizes and further defines laws on Pennsylvania orders for life-sustaining treatment. These orders convert an individual’s end of life wishes regarding health care into a medical order that applies...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of September 24, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 891, which is aimed at preventing welfare fraud and abuse of the state’s prescription assistance program. The bill would require the Pennsylvania Department of Aging to cross-check its list of PACE and PACENET beneficiaries...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 18, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 17, which amends the state Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Act to allow for a parent or legal guardian to provide consent over the objection of a minor when medical care or counseling is provided for substance abuse. The bill...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 11, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 152, which repeals a section of the insurance company law that allows a surplus or safety fund. The legislation also adds a section allowing for the state Insurance Department to maintain an electronic database of contact...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of June 4, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 352, which reduces the number of years of possession required for adverse possession actions from 21 to 10 years for property that is less than a half-acre and contains a single-family dwelling. An individual must begin a...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of May 21, 2018
The Senate approved House Bill 566 by a vote of 43-5. The measure allows a contractor or subcontractor to suspend work on a construction project, without penalty, if they have not received payment per the terms of their contract. Contractors may stop work if 30 days...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of April 23, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 478, which creates the Outpatient Psychiatric Oversight Act. The measure requires outpatient psychiatric clinics to have a psychiatrist on site for two hours per week of psychiatric time for each full-time equivalent...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of April 16, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 595, which allows a condominium and cooperative lessee the right to assistance from the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Attorneys General office if the case is a violation regarding a meeting, quorums, voting, proxies,...
Senate Democratic Wrap-Up for the Week of March 26, 2018
The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 1486, which amends the Storm Water Management Act by creating exemptions for agricultural high tunnels (structures used to grow crops). The legislation details what is considered a high tunnel and outlines the criteria...