2023-24 State Budget

When We Fight, We Win!

The 2023-24 PA State Budget School Funding Bill addresses the dire educator shortage in urban, suburban & rural schools across Pennsylvania. The bill includes $10 million for student teacher stipends – which we have fought hard for. That includes programs to address our state’s teacher shortage, funding for remediating toxic schools, funding for school based mental health programs, updates for school safety and security, providing for more substitute teachers, and the necessary formulas to effectuate the distribution of appropriated funds.


Addressing the teacher crisis

We know that there is a dire educator shortage in urban, suburban, and rural schools across PA, made worse by difficulty making ends meet during required student-teacher time. This code bill makes it easier for student-teachers to join the workforce by supporting them financially as they gain critical classroom experience during their time in school. By better supporting our teachers-in-training, we can not only begin to fix the crisis, but deliver teachers of more diverse racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.


School based mental health programs

As the nation continues to face an unprecedented mental health crisis, it’s up to us to deliver care where students are. All of us deserve to get the care we need when we are sick, including care for our minds. This code authorizes funding that will allow young people to see a licensed therapist in the school setting and help them grapple with the struggles of life in the modern age.


More substitute teachers

As school districts continue to fill open positions and cover for educators out sick, we must make it easier for the show to go on by inviting more members of the community to step up as substitute teachers.


Necessary formulas to effectuate the distribution of appropriated funds

This school code includes language to drive out these much-needed monies to our schools and educators.


Money to fix toxic schools

As far as we know, there is no amount of lead that is considered safe for humans, let alone young people. We must ensure that schools are keeping our students healthy, not poisoning them with effects that can be felt for a lifetime. That’s why we are creating a framework for funding to fix toxic schools and make sure every school building is free of lead in water, asbestos, and mold.


School safety and security

As we fight for increased community safety and gun safety, we must continue to ensure schools are places of learning, not violence. This school code delivers funding that will ensure that bad actors cannot breach school grounds, and schools have the resources to restore peace.


Educational Improvement Program

The Education Improvement Tax Credit has become a fixture of Pennsylvania’s education environment. While our caucus has concerns about its continued increase in cost, we achieved important accountability measures that will provide the Legislature and the public with more information on how the program is operating and if there and needed measures to improve how it works.

Senate and House Democrats React

Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus and Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus gathered in the main rotunda of the Capitol after the Governor’s Budget Address to share perspectives and responses to the proposed budget.

Senate Democrats share thoughts and reactions following Governor Shapiro’s budget address on March 7, 2023.

Budget Address

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, Governor Shapiro delivered his budget address, presenting his plan for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

Stay tuned on this page for updates, resources, and reactions from Senate Democrats throughout the budget process.

2023-24 Budget Hearings

2023-24 Proposed Budget Details


Public Safety

Community Development

Economic Development


Budget News

Brewster Lauds Passage of Omnibus School Code Bill

Brewster Lauds Passage of Omnibus School Code Bill

Harrisburg – November 17, 2023 – This week, the Senate passed the school funding portion of the 2023-2024 Pennsylvania Budget after amending House Bill 301 to include several programs Senator Brewster and his colleagues have advocated for during this...

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Sen. Nick Miller Votes to Fund State-Related Universities

Sen. Nick Miller Votes to Fund State-Related Universities

November 15, 2023  – Sen. Nick Miller (D-Lehigh/Northampton) applauds today’s passage of House Bill 1461 (Harris, D-Philadelphia). House Bill 1461 will provide funding for state-related universities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. “Getting beyond the...

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