June 7, 2010
SB 1161, PN 1538: This bill amends Title 61 (Penal and Correctional Institutions) with regard to inmate prelease plans and for parole power. Senator Piccola offered amendment A7431, which provides for the procedure of individuals convicted of murder to be released...
May 26, 2010
SB 441, PN 2002: The legislation amends the Public School Code by providing an update to the provisions related to disqualifications of candidates for teaching certificates. The Senate concurred in House amendments, as amended by the Senate by a vote of 47-0. SB...
May 25, 2010
SB 828, PN 1924: The bill amends Act 39 of 1945 (Public eating and Drinking Place Law) to allow non-profit groups to sell food that has been prepared in private homes which are not licensed or inspected by the department. The Senate concurred in House amendments by...
May 24, 2010
HB 67, PN 3419: This bill amends the Vehicle Code by limiting how many passengers “junior drivers” would be allowed to have in their vehicle as well as prohibit these drivers from using an interactive wireless communications device while driving unless it is to...
May 5, 2010
SB 383 PN 1954: Amends the Judicial Code (Title 42) to provide for the establishment of problem-solving courts with specialized jurisdiction in the Courts of Common Pleas and the Municipal Court of Philadelphia. The Senate concurred in House amendments as amended,...
May 4, 2010
SB 174 PN 676: Amends the Workforce Development Act by establishing the Pennsylvania Center for Health Careers within the Department of Labor and Industry which will develop strategies to address the State’s short-term and long-term health care work force challenges. ...
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