SB 828, PN 1924: The bill amends Act 39 of 1945 (Public eating and Drinking Place Law) to allow non-profit groups to sell food that has been prepared in private homes which are not licensed or inspected by the department. The Senate concurred in House amendments by a vote of 46-0.
HB 67, PN 3775: This bill amends the Vehicle Code as it pertains to Junior Drivers and cell phone and other electronically devices as well as a limit on passengers under 18 years of age among other aspects. A vote of 44-3 was recorded.
SB 214, PN 1951: This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) by expanding the prohibition related to greyhound racing to simulcasting races in Pennsylvania for monetary remuneration as well. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
SB 620, PN 667: The legislation amends the Vital Statistics Law of 1953 by requiring an issuance of certificate of stillbirth for any fetal death upon the request of a parent. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
SB 918, PN 1952: This legislation creates a new Chapter 88 (Consolidated County Assessment Law) in Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) in order to consolidate the current county assessment laws. The new assessment law would not apply to Allegheny County or Philadelphia. Senator Costa offered amendment A07087 which states that if the city of Pittsburgh sells the parking authority, the money has to go into the pension fund. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 1011, PN 1953: This legislation amends the Public School Code to create a “residency” teaching certificates, which will allow professionals with expertise in key fields to earn a teaching certificate. Senator Piccola offered amendment A07156, which adds in State report cards and a value-added assessment system among other aspects. The Senate agreed to the amendment. Senator Wozniak also offered an amendment A06910 that consolidates school districts. A vote of 17-30 was recorded on the amendment and it failed.
SR 250, PN 1693: This resolution directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study on the real property tax collection systems in Pennsylvania and determine the impact of consolidating the collection systems. The Senate adopted the resolution.
Executive Nominations
The Senate approved the following nomination by a vote of 47-0:
- Paula J. Hasbach, CPA, State Board of Accountancy
- Michael J. Menear, CPA, State Board of Accountancy
- Hussain G. Malik, M.D., Council of Trustees of East Stroudsburg University
- Dennis R. Frampton, Council of Trustees of Edinboro University
- Hal A. Moss, Public School Employees’ Retirement Board
- John P. Bane, State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salesperson
- Freya S. Burnett, State Board of Veterinary Medicine