May 1, 2023
SB 239, PN 205 (Argall) – This legislation would create the Correctional and Forensic Employees Investigation Procedure Act, which would codify certain processes and procedures for handling disciplinary matters of state corrections officers. A vote of 36-14 was...
April 26, 2023
SB 137, PN 397 (Mastriano) – Amends the Telemarketing Registration Act to require the Attorney General (AG) to notify the PA Department of Aging (PDA) of any investigation and enforcement actions when the consumer involved is 60 or older. A vote of 50-0 was...
April 25, 2023
SB 226, PN 195 (Robinson) – This bill amends the Fire and Panic Act to adjust the effective date of Act 42 of 2022, requiring family child-care homes to install interconnected smoke detectors. A vote of 50-0 was recorded. SB 232, PN 146 (Brooks) – This bill...
April 24, 2023
SB 267, PN 232 (Brooks) – This legislation adds urgent care centers to the places where a parent can turn over a newborn without fear of criminal liability under § 4306 of Title 18. An “urgent care center” is defined under the “Safe Haven Act.” A vote of 50-0 was...
March 8, 2023
SB 143, PN 388 (Yaw) – Prohibits municipalities from restricting or prohibiting the connection of utility service to a consumer based on source of energy. A vote of 40-9 was recorded. SB 379, PN 272 (Phillips-Hill) – This bill bans the social media app...
March 7, 2023
SB 144, PN 390 (Yaw) – An Act prohibiting the use of certain class B firefighting foams under certain circumstances; and imposing powers and duties on the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and the State Fire Commissioner. A vote of 36-14 was recorded. SB 154,...
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