SB 239, PN 205 (Argall) – This legislation would create the Correctional and Forensic Employees Investigation Procedure Act, which would codify certain processes and procedures for handling disciplinary matters of state corrections officers. A vote of 36-14 was recorded.
SB 140, PN 654 (Langerholc) – The bill requires the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute crimes on property owned by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (“SEPTA”) in Philadelphia.
Amendment A00399 (Langerholc) – This amendment clarifies that any law enforcement agency with appropriate jurisdiction within SEPTA’s footprint can assist the Special Prosecutor in the investigation and prosecution of alleged violations and provides a definition for law enforcement agency.
The amendment places restrictions on any ordinance, executive order or directive that would prohibit assistance to the Special Prosecutor by a local law enforcement agency.
The amendment passed by a vote of 30-20 and the bill was rereferred to appropriations.
SB 244, PN 209 (Argall) – Requires the Department of Human Services to check wage records held by employers and the Department of Revenue against recipient Medical Assistance (MA) and benefits from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on a quarterly basis.
Amendment A00383 (Argall) – This amendment requires the Department of Human Services to check the income and employment records held by the Department of Labor & Industry against the recipients of medical assistance and SNAP, instead of the wage records held by employers and the Department of Revenue as stated in the bill. The Department of Labor & Industry holds those records, not the Department of Revenue.
The amendment passed by a vote of 29-21 and was rereferred to appropriations.
SB 645, PN 618 (Hughes) – The bill amends Title 53 to decrease the term of adverse position for lands used as community gardens in a city of the first class.
Amendment A00355 (Hughes) – This amendment makes technical changes and clarifies the remedies in the legislation are not the only remedies available to a landowner prior to granting a title through adverse possession. These provisions mirror other remedy provisions provided in law.
The amendment passed by a vote of 47-3 and was rereferred to appropriations.
SB 165, PN 634 (Tartaglione) – This bill amends the Act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to prohibit the operation of a clinic that knowingly provides space for any person to introduce a controlled substance into one’s body. A vote of 41-9 was recorded.