LGBTQ+ individuals deserve the same protections in housing, employment, and public accommodations as every other Pennsylvanian.
Support SB 150/HB 300
House Bill 300 - The Fairness Act
HB 300 is sponsored by Representative Kenyatta, passed the House on May 2nd. The bill is currently in the Senate State Government Committee.
This legislation will prohibit discrimination in our state based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
In the landmark 2020 decision Bostock v. Clayton County, the United States Supreme Court ruled that an employer cannot discriminate against an individual because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. While this decision was an historic victory for civil rights, it does not prevent someone in our state who identifies as LGBTQ+ from being denied housing, education, or access to public accommodations simply because of who they are or who they love.
Senate Bill 150 - Prohibiting discrimination based on an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity or expression
SB 150, sponsored by Senators Santarsiero and Saval, is currently in the Senate Labor & Industry Committee.
This legislation will prohibit discrimination based on an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. No Pennsylvanian should be fired from a job, or denied housing, or excluded from public spaces because of who they are.
The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act prohibits discrimination in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodations based on an individual’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, education status, handicap, or disability. The Act does not cover sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, however. As a consequence, members of Pennsylvanian’s LGBTQ community still face discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. It is well past time for the General Assembly to act to address this injustice.

PA Fairness Act + Current Laws
The landmark 2020 SCOTUS decision Bostock v. Clayton County ruled that an employer cannot discriminate against an individual because of their sexual orientation or gender identity – but it doesn’t address access to housing, education, or public accommodations.
In 2023, it is still legal for LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians to be denied housing, education, or access to public accommodations based on their sexual orientation or gender identity – we can change that by passing the PA Fairness Act.
The PA Fairness Act will codify that all Pennsylvanians are granted protections in state law, protecting against any potential Supreme Court overturning of the Bostock ruling.
Pennsylvania is the only state in the northeast without LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination laws on the books.
Ohio and West Virginia are the only states bordering Pennsylvania that do not have LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination laws.
Passing the PA Fairness Act would make Pennsylvania the 24th U.S. state to codify anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people into state law.
Only 3 out of 67 counties (Allegheny, Erie, Philadelphia) have an ordinance prohibiting sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination in private employment, housing, and public accommodations.
About 35% of Pennsylvanians are fully protected against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity – and they’re only protected because of county and municipal ordinances. The PA Fairness Act would extend these protections to ALL state residents.
PA Fairness Act Rally
October 2023
PA Fairness Act Rally
April 2023