Post Session Report :: Wednesday, April 19, 2017

SB 365 PN 357 (Gordner): This bill increases the threshold for which 2nd Class Townships must seek bids for the sale of township property.  The bill was approved 50-0. SB 250 PN 630 (Ward): This bill amends the Unemployment Compensation Law to provide up to $15...

Post Session Report :: Tuesday, April 18, 2017

SB 227 PN 210 (Eichelberger): This bill would provide for a school board to notify a superintendent or assistant superintendent of its intentions to renew his or her contract within 90 days of the contract’s expiration. The bill was approved 50-0. SR 34 PN 624...

Post Session Report :: Wednesday, March 29, 2017

SB 171 PN 147 (Rafferty): This bill amends The Administrative Code to provide for the appointment of Chief Executive Officer of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. The bill was approved 37-10. SB 250 PN 615 (Ward): This bill amends the Unemployment Compensation Law...

Post Session Report :: Tuesday, March 28, 2017

SB 133 PN 555 (Ward): This bill would require the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to request an extension for compliance with the federal Real ID Act of 2005 and provide Pennsylvania with the option to receiving a standard or Real ID-compliant license or...

Post Session Report :: Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017 SB 30, PN 11 (Eichelberger) – This bill amends Title 30 (Fish) by giving the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission the power to set fees for fishing and boating in the Commonwealth (this is currently done by the Legislature). A vote of 47-2 was...

Post Session Report :: Wednesday, March 22, 2017

SB 169 PN 554 (Laughlin): This bill amends Title 65 (Public Officers) to require lobbyists and lobbying firms to file electronically with the Department of State, and for the Department of State to post all lobbying disclosure forms on its website within seven days of...