November 20, 2020
SB 835, PN 2112 (Langerholc) – The bill creates the Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Pilot Program. Senate concurred in House amendments. A vote of 49-0 was recorded. SB 1193, PN 2025 (Browne) – Updates the Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Education and...
November 19, 2020
HB 21, PN 3904 (Helm) – The bill amends the Real Estate Appraisers Certification Act to require licensure of home inspectors. Senator Corman offered amendment A07511 which removes the requirement that an applicant for a home inspector license “be of good moral...
November 18, 2020
HB 1747, PN 2338 (Dowling) – Strips provisions limiting the carrying of firearms during an emergency. A vote of 29-20 was recorded. HB 1808, PN 3919 (Mackenzie) – Amends the Solid Waste Management Act by adding definitions related to the recycling of...
November 17, 2020
SB 790, PN 1446 (Scarnati) – Establishes the Conventional Oil and Gas Wells Act. Senate concurred in House amendments. A vote of 29-19 was recorded. HB 30, PN 3853 (Petrarca) – Allows individuals to donate $6 to the ‘Governor Robert P. Casey Memorial Organ...
November 16, 2020
SB 1350, PN 2052 (Browne) – This bill is a supplement to General Appropriations Act for the 2020-21 fiscal year. This legislation includes supplemental appropriation adjustments in the General Fund and select Special Funds for the current (2020-21) and prior...
October 21, 2020
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 HB 86, PN 88 (Maloney) – This bill requires the POW/MIA flag to be displayed anywhere the United States flag is displayed on Commonwealth grounds or buildings, where both can be reasonably accommodated. A vote of 49-0 was recorded. HB 375,...
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