Post Session Report :: Wednesday, January 31, 2018

SB 799 PN 1451 (Alloway): The legislation revises the distribution and use of Growing Greener program funds, and it establishes a long-term nutrient credit purchasing program, the “Pennsylvania Clean Water Procurement Program,” under the Department of Environmental...

Post Session Report :: Tuesday, January 30, 2018

SB 234, PN 1443 (Blake) – Senate Bill 234 creates the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE) in Pennsylvania.  The state program authorizes local governments to spur economic development by making it possible for commercial and industrial property owners to...

Post Session Report :: Monday, January 29, 2018

SB 52, PN 1425 (Greenleaf) – This legislation amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) by adding Chapter 98, the National Guard Youth Challenge Program.  This is for individuals aged 16-18 who have terminated their attendance at a secondary school without achieving...

Post Session Report :: Wednesday, January 24, 2018

SB 977 PN 1421 (Gordner): The bill amends the Regulatory Review Act, providing additional legislative oversight of the regulatory review process.  The bill was approved by a vote of 29-21. HB 1448 PN 2921 (Cutler): This bill would require the PA Department of...

Post Session Report :: Tuesday, January 23, 2018

SB 52 PN 33 (Greenleaf): This legislation amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) by adding Chapter 98, the National Guard Youth Challenge Program.  Senator Vulakovich offered Amendment A03391, which makes redefines definitions within the bill, adds wording for...

Post Session Report :: Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018 SB 817, PN 1249 (Rafferty) – This bill authorizes DGS to extend the original terms of Lease Agreement #LML-2016-1.  This pertains the a 15-term lease of a portion of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Veterans’ Center in Chester County.  A vote of...