Monday, January 22, 2018
SB 817, PN 1249 (Rafferty) – This bill authorizes DGS to extend the original terms of Lease Agreement #LML-2016-1. This pertains the a 15-term lease of a portion of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Veterans’ Center in Chester County. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 827, PN 1290 (Killion) – The bill amends Title 20 by enacting the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, and providing for user direction, agreements and disclosures of digital assets. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
The Senate confirmed the following executive nominations by a vote of 49-0:
Joseph Ferruzza, State Board of Barber Examiners (reappointment)
Thomas Brletic, Constables’ Education and Training Board (new appointment)
Carolyn Folk, State Board of Cosmetology (new appointment)
Tammy O’Neill, State Board of Cosmetology (new appointment)
Michael Becker, State Board of Crane Operators (new appointment)
Daniel Haulman, State Board of Crane Operators (new appointment)
Allan Mauger, Jr., State Board of Crane Operators (new appointment)
Patrick West, State Board of Landscape Architects (reappointment)
Beck Lesik, State Board of Massage Therapy (reappointment)
Nancy Porambo, State Board of Massage Therapy (new appointment)
Kimberly Boyer, State Board of Optometry (new appointment)
John Godfrey, State Board of Optometry (new appointment)
Frank Tursi, State Board of Osteopathic Medicine (reappointment)
Thomas Baldrige, State Board of Trustees of Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (new appointment)
Valerie Kehoe, State Board of Veterinary Medicine (new appointment)