May 12, 2020
Harrisburg, Pa. – May 12, 2020 — Senate Aging & Youth Democratic Chairwoman Senator Maria Collett (D-12 Montgomery/Bucks), who just last week pressed Secretary Levine on the Commonwealth’s ability to test long-term care residents and staff, was pleased and...
May 8, 2020
Harrisburg, Pa. − May 8, 2020 — At yesterday’s joint hearing of the Senate Aging & Youth and Health and Human Services Committees, Aging & Youth Democratic Chairwoman Senator Maria Collett (D-12 Montgomery/Bucks) heard testimony from panelists in the...
May 1, 2020
Philadelphia, PA − May 1, 2020 – Today Senator Street joined Temple Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in their call for COVID-19 hazard pay, testing, quarantine, and PPE for all. Nurses nationwide held May Day protests underlined by a demand for adequate...