Boscola Brings Redistricting Reform Proposal Before PA Senate

Bethlehem, July 16, 2020 – – Yesterday, State Senator Lisa Boscola attempted one final time to put the issue of the creation of an independent commission for legislative redistricting before the voters of Pennsylvania by offering an amendment to Senate...

Sen. Boscola’s Redistricting Bill Set for Full Senate Vote

Harrisburg, June 6, 2018 – Following today’s state Senate Appropriations Committee approval, Sen. Lisa M. Boscola’s (D-Northampton/Lehigh) redistricting reform legislation is headed to the full Senate. “I am pleased with the committee’s support to advance the process...

Boscola Commends Ohio Legislature for Compromise on Redistricting Reform

HARRISBURG, February 8, 2018 – State Sen. Lisa M. Boscola (D-Northampton/Lehigh) is praising the Ohio legislature for reaching a bipartisan compromise on a statewide referendum that would allow Ohio voters to decide whether to overhaul how their state’s congressional...