SB 340 PN 2098 (Eichelberger): This bill reforms the Local Government Unit Debt Act (in Title 53 (Municipalities Generally), which addresses indebtedness and borrowing for units of local government, as well as guarantees of other government entities by local government. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 341 PN 475 (Blake): This bill confers explicit jurisdiction upon the State Ethics Commission in conflicts of interest arising from the Local Government Unit Debt Act. The bill also prohibits the funding of unrelated expenses from borrowed funds. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 344 PN 478 (Eichelberger): This legislation amends the Public Works Contractors’ Bond Law of 1967. This bill limits the types of financial security required to be furnished to the contracting body by prime contractors prior to performing any work exceeding $10,000. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 869 PN 2096 (Folmer): This bill amends Title 4 (Amusements), Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses), Title 30 (Fish), Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure), and Title 75 (Vehicles) to address the seizure and forfeiture of property that is related to criminal offenses. Senator Williams motioned to revert the bill to the prior printer number; the motion was defeated 19-31. The bill was originally approved 43-7. Senator Costa motioned to reconsider the vote by which the bill was approved, the motion was agreed to and the bill was approved 42-8.
SB 1048 PN 2079 (Vulakovich): This bill would provide for security of computerized data in state and local government and school districts. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 1212 PN 2058 (Wozniak): This bill provides for opioid awareness education in schools, beginning with the 2017-2018 School Year. The bill was approved 49-0.
SB 1341 PN 2080 (Mensch): This bill would implement a version of performance based budgeting for the budget to be presented in February of 2017. The bill was approved 33-17.
SB 1352 PN 2052 (McGarrigle): This bill provides a rate increase for the River Pilots who navigate trade vessels along the Delaware River and its navigable tributaries. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 1353 PN 2053 (McGarrigle): The bill permits the Navigation Commission for the Delaware River and its navigable tributaries to increase fees for the issuance of original and renewed pilots licenses. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 1367 PN 2093 (Yaw): The bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) further providing for the prescribing of opioids to minors. The bill was approved 49-0.
SB 1368 PN 2094 (Killion): This bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) further providing for safe opioid prescription training requirements. The bill was approved 49-0.