HB 783, PN 4136 (Nesbit) – Amends Section 1111.1(a) of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated regarding Transfer of Ownership of Vehicles used for Human Habitation. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 912, PN 2068 (Brooks) – This legislation amends the Human Services Code by establishing a Medical Assistance deemed eligibility program for home care, home health and older adult daily living center services. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1073, PN 2067 (Vulakovich) – The legislation amends the Enforcement Officer Disability Benefits Law, commonly known as the “Heart and Lung Act” to add several classes of officers to the provisions of the act. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1176, PN 1756 (Yaw) – This bill amends statute surrounding the creation of home rule and optional plan governments, by providing for the questions related to the creation of a government study commission and limiting their placement on the ballot if any one of the questions was defeated within the last four years. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1237, PN 2040 (Baker) – This legislation establishes the Rural Health Redesign Center (Authority) and the Rural Health Redesign Center Fund through the enactment of the Rural Health Redesign Center Authority Act. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2060, PN 3820 (M. Quinn) – Amends the Uniform Firearms Act (Title 18) and the Protection From Abuse (PFA) Act (Title 23) to provide for relinquishment of firearms following a conviction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence or the issuance of a protection from abuse order which is not based on a consent agreement. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A09864 which would have removed the stipulation that the third party charged with the safekeeping of firearms and the defendant may not be family or household members. The amendment failed by a vote of 9-39. A vote of 43-5 was recorded on the bill.