SB 286 PN 1437 (Rafferty): This bill amends Act 200 of 1931, which provided for Pennsylvania to enter into a compact with the State of New Jersey to establish the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA). The Senate concurred the House amendments 37-13.
HB 49 PN 2546 (Sainato): This bill extends the $100,000 death benefit that is currently available to other emergency responders to members of the PA Civil Air Patrol. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 535 PN 2143 (Vulakovich): This bill amends Title 75, the Vehicle Code, to allow for the use of radar by local police departments. The bill was approved 47-3.
SB 840 PN 1962 (Argall): This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to allow for a program for automated speed enforcement systems in active work areas. Senator Rafferty offered Amendment A09723, which would allow local police to utilize automated speed enforcement devices. The amendment was adopted, 32-18. The bill went over as amended. Senator Corman motioned to suspend the rules to proceed to a vote on the bill, the motion was agreed to and the bill was approved 48-0.
HB 869 PN 3013 (Bizzarro): This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes Code) regarding cruelty to animals. Senator Alloway offered Amendment A10663, which would increase penalties for tethering animals for a long period of time, would add protections to horses to prevent abuse, and would increase other penalties for animal cruelty. The amendment was agreed to.
SB 1300 PN 2144 (Hutchinson): This bill would amend Title 53 to establish that active military duty will not disqualify a person from fulfilling a residency requirement for holding local elected office. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 1313 PN 2145 (White): This bill amends Title 62 (Procurement) to make clarifications to the Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (GESA) program by defining “operating costs,” “energy-related cost savings,” and “energy services company.” It also provides for clearer payment terms within a guaranteed energy savings contract. The bill was approved 50-0.
HB 1581 PN 3089 (Corbin): This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes Code) to establish strangulation as a crime. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 976 PN 1372 (Greenleaf): This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to amend the Wiretap Act to allow audio and audiovisual recording by law enforcement officers under certain circumstances. Senator Greenleaf offered Amendment A10646, which would establish procedures for law enforcement officers to use body cameras. The amendment was adopted, 48-1. The bill was agreed to as amended.
HB 1118 PN 3640 (Vereb): Provides for conflicts of interest and repealing and adding provisions relating to independent counsel. Senator Gordner offered Amendment A10552, which would make technical changes and remove a provision in the bill that allows the Governor to request the General Assembly to appropriate necessary funds to the state treasurer and to the state police for costs associated with independent counsel. The amendment was agreed to. The bill was then agreed to as amended.
SB 1331 PN 2089 (Reschenthaler): This bill provides for the licensure of limited lines travel insurance producers, for requirements for sale of travel insurance, for authority of limited lines travel insurance producers, for registration and training of travel retailers and for renewal of license. Senator Reschenthaler offered Amendment A10634, which would make technical amendments to the bill. The amendment was agreed to. The bill was then agreed to as amended.
HB 1600 PN 3511 (Mackenzie): This legislation amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) by providing business fee exemptions for veteran-owned/reservist-owned small businesses in the Commonwealth. Senator Hughes offered Amendment A10502, which would add provisions for voluntary veterans’ preferences regarding private employment. The amendment was agreed to. The bill was then agreed to as amended.
HB 1618 PN 2569 (Fee): This bill amends the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L. 177, No.175) known as the Administrative Code to create the independent Office of Inspector General. Senator Aument offered Amendment A10478, which would require the State Inspector General to report on fraud cases and report this information to the General Assembly annually. The amendment was agreed to. Senator Argall offered Amendment A10628, which would add a section to the bill to allow for additional employees to be hired for the purpose of investigating fraud, waste and misconduct at the Department of Human Services and the Department of Health. The amendment was adopted, 34-15. The bill went over as amended.
HB 2025 PN 3663 (Reese): This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in registration of vehicles, further providing for temporary registration cards; in inspection of vehicles, further providing for suspension of certificates of appointment and for certification of mechanics. Senator Corman offered Amendment A10636, which would allow for the suspension of vehicle registrations associated with outstanding unpaid tolls. The amendment was agreed to. Senator Browne offered Amendment A10505, which would allow for refunds to be made for motor vehicle carriers that are stolen or demolished. The amendment was agreed to. Senator McIlhinney offered Amendment A09602, which would allow for the hauling of sugar along certain highways in the state. The amendment was agreed to. The bill went over as amended.
SR 385 PN 2092 (Brooks): This resolution directs the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study to analyze and identify environmental laws and regulations that exceed federal standards. The resolution was adopted 27-21.
SR 448 PN 2133 (Scarnati): This resolution commemorates the 200th Legislative Session of the PA General Assembly. The resolution was adopted 48-0.
SB 1365 PN 2068 (Greenleaf): This bill amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) to add common pleas court judgeships to certain judicial districts. Senator McIlhinney offered Amendment A10667, which would add an additional judge to the 7th judicial district. The amendment was adopted 46-2. The bill went over as amended. Senator Corman motioned to suspend the rules to proceed to a vote on the bill, the motion was agreed to and the bill was approved 46-2.