SB 166 PN 1517 (Greenleaf): The bill amends Title 18 (Crimes Code) regarding dissemination and expungement of criminal history records; and amends Title 42 (Judicial Code) to establish an expungement petition filing fee. The Senate concurred the House amendments (48-0).
HB 153 PN 1318 (Knowles): This bill is joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth to reduce the size of the House of Representatives from 203 to 151 members. Senator Boscola offered Amendment A05586, which would create the Legislative and Congressional Redistricting Commission. The citizen Commission would be an independent commission and would place stricter guidelines on the redistricting process. Senator Corman motioned to table the amendment and the motion passed. Senator Williams offered Amendment A05595, which would change the Pennsylvania State Legislature from full time to part-time. Senator Corman motioned to table the amendment and the motion passed. Both amendments were laid upon the table. The bill was approved, without amendments, (43-6).
SR 247 PN 1434 (Rafferty): This resolution urges the United States Department of Transportation to work with tank car manufacturers and owners, crude oil shippers and the rail industry in adopting a higher pool fire survivability standard and assisting with additional Federal funds to sustain the training of emergency first responders to ensure communities across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the rest of the United States benefit from the safe transportation of Crude by Rail shipments. The resolution was unanimously adopted.