SB 1086 PN 1509 (Rafferty): This bill allows the Department of Transportation to suspend registration of motorists who fail to pay tolls on the Turnpike until the motorist makes the payment. The bill was approved 48-0.
SB 1235 PN 1894 (Baker): This bill amends the Underground Utility Line Protection Law to reauthorize the Act and make a number of updates. Senator Hutchinson offered Amendment A09325, which would add definitions and provide exemptions for Class 1 gathering and production lines. The amendment was defeated, 20-29. The bill was then approved 34-14.
HB 1711 PN 2565 (Regan): This bill designates a bridge on a portion of Sheep Bridge Road over I-83, Newberry Township, York County as the Staff Sgt. Jason M. Faley Memorial Bridge. The bill was approved 48-0.
HB 1787 PN 2733 (White): This bill designates a portion of State Route 1013 in Philadelphia County as the Michael R. Goodwin, Sr. Memorial Highway. The bill was approved 48-0.
SB 340 PN 1608 (Eichelberger): This bill reforms the Local Government Unit Debt Act (LGUDA) in Title 53 (Municipalities Generally), which addresses indebtedness and borrowing for units of local government, as well as guarantees of other government entities by local government. Senator Eichelberger offered Amendment A010300, which would make technical changes, provide for preliminary filings and validity dates and revises information needed for financial statements. The amendment was unanimously agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 1367 PN 2073 (Yaw): The bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) further providing for the prescribing of opioids to minors. Senator Yaw offered Amendment A010360, which would make technical changes and remove the assessment requirement within the bill to determine if a minor has ever suffered from mental health or substance abuse disorder when prescribing medication. The amendment was unanimously agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 1368 PN 2075 (Killion): The bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) further providing for safe opioid prescription training requirements. Senator Corman offered Amendment A010353, which would remove the requirement within the bill that controlled substance prescriber applicants submit proof of their completed approved education courses. The amendment was unanimously agreed to and the bill went over as amended.