HB 23 PN 151 (Mackenzie): This bill amends the Primary Stroke Center Recognition Act to include Acute stroke-ready hospital and Comprehensive stroke center as provisions of the act. The bill makes a name change to the act. The bill was approved 50-0.
HB 151 PN 1571 (Cutler): This bill standardizes language among several programs in Title 12 (Commerce and Trade), creates the Entertainment Economic Enhancement Program and adds the definition of “Agent.” The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 269 PN 755 (Baker): This legislation amends the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act by adding two additional seats to the Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Council, extensively revising the code review process and increasing the building permit fee by 50 cents. Senator Baker offered Amendment A01355, which would change the proportion of funds appropriated to the Municipal Code Official Training Fund, Construction Contractor Training Account and the Review and Advisory Council Administration Account. This amendment also provides for the Department of Community and Economic Development’s use of funds and provides for a required annual report. The amendment was approved, 36-14.
SB 510 PN 866 (Reschenthaler): This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to establish the offense of threatening a law enforcement officer or sheriff. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 522 PN 812 (Greenleaf): This bill amends Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) to consolidate the Department of Corrections and the Board of Probation and Parole into a single agency called the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Senator Greenleaf offered Amendment A01424, which would provide for the order of assessment, require an executive director be hired to perform operational duties and provides specificities for degree requirements for hearing examiners. The amendment was agreed to. Senator Martin offered Amendment A01206, which would make several technical amendments to the bill. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 651 PN 864 (Browne): This bill is the Capital Budget Project Itemization Act of 2017-2018. This legislation itemizes capital projects in the aggregate amount of $15,952,767,001. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 497 PN 748 (Vogel): This bill eliminates the waste designation for current generation blast furnace, iron, and steel slag that is used onsite in processing or as an aggregate or that is sold for further production and commercial use. Senator Vogel offered Amendment A01260, which would make technical amendments and clarify that nothing in this act shall “affect the duty or power of the Department of Environmental Protection over a natural resource or residual waste in this Commonwealth.” The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 133 PN 873 (Ward): This bill requires the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to request an extension for compliance with the federal Real ID Act of 2005. Further, it would repeal the Pennsylvania Real ID Nonparticipation Act of 2012. The bill was approved 49-1.