SB 180 PN 1808 (Greenleaf): This bill amends Title 20 (Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code) to update and revise the law relating to organ and tissue donations. The bill was approved 45-3.
HB 608 PN 2254 (Baker): This bill amends The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to provide for authorities of the Secretary of Health dealing involving controlled substance scheduling. Senator Greenleaf offered Amendment A07062, which would add several chemical derivatives of Fentanyl to Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 1038 PN 1454 (White): This bill would allow the president judge of the court of common pleas in a county of the third class to appoint a judge delegate to serve on the county juvenile detention board of managers. The bill was approved 48-0.
SB 1154 PN 1593 (Vulakovich): This bill amends the Civil Service Act by changing the method of notification used for job applicants and changes to the agencies selection process. The bill was approved 48-0.
SB 1225 PN 1755 (Browne): This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to partially release restrictions placed on land previously conveyed to Penn State University. The bill was approved 48-0.
SB 1232 PN 1760 (Corman): This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to convey land located in Rush Township, Centre County to the Moshannon Valley Economic Development Partnership. The bill was approved 48-0.
HB 1484 PN 3338 (Gillen): This bill Amends Act 75 of 1987 regarding the duties of the Department of General Services toward the further preservation and construction of “Soldiers’ Grove” and the Medal of Honor Memorial. The bill was approved 48-0.
HB 1552 PN 2178 (Roae): This bill would allow Pennsylvania to take part in a regional compact and an interstate reciprocity agreement for the purpose of post-secondary distance education. Senator Killion offered Amendment A07199, which would add the student-weighted basic education funding formula recommended by the Basic Education Funding Commission and add $15 million in appropriations to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for the purpose of supplemental payments of basic education funding for the 2014-2015 school year. The amendment was approved with a vote of 47-1 and the bill went over as amended.