SB 42 PN 23 (Baker): Amends Title 75 in licensing of drivers, further providing for issuance and content of driver’s license. The bill was approved unanimously, 48-0.
SB 206 PN 146 (Eichelberger): Authorizes the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Governor and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, to grant and convey to the Bear Valley Franklin County Pennsylvania Joint Authority, or its assigns, two permanent utility and access easements from lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the Fort Loudon Historical Site situate in Peters Township, Franklin County, for purpose of groundwater withdrawal. The bill was approved unanimously, 48-0.
SR 28 PN 498 (Scavello): A Concurrent Resolution establishing the Joint Select Committee on Institutions of Purely Public Charity. The Resolution was adopted.