SB 293 PN 988 (Eichelberger): An Act regulating navigators and assisters in the education and promotion of health insurance exchanges. The bill was approved, 49-0.
HB 188 PN 1559 (Sonney): Amends the Agricultural Area Security Law, further providing for definitions and for the purchase of agricultural conservation easements. Senator Ward offered Amendment A01754, which would require a wind power generation company to conduct the threatened and endangered species study instead of PA agency. It also requires the company to implement measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate where a wind power system would have an adverse effect on threatened or endangered species. The amendment was adopted and the bill went over as amended.
SB 329 PN 220 (Ward): Amends the Public School Code of 1949, establishing the Ready to Succeed Scholarship Program; and conferring powers and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency and the Department of Education. The bill was approved, 49-0.
HB 341 PN 363 (Gingrich): Amends Title 68, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in seller disclosures, further providing for disclosure form. The bill was approved, 49-0.
SB 396 PN 311 (Vance): Reenacts and amends the Health Care Cost Containment Act, further providing for sunset; and making editorial changes. The bill was approved, 49-0.
SB 438 PN 389 (White): Designates a bridge on that portion of State Route 982 over the Loyalhanna Creek, Westmoreland County, as the Lance Corporal Joseph E. Roble Memorial Bridge. The bill was approved, 49-0.
SB 486 PN 987 (Argall): Amends the Recorder of Deeds Fee Law, authorizing an additional fee to be imposed and used for demolition; and making an editorial change. The bill was approved, 49-0.
SB 538 PN 989 (Tomlinson): Amends “An act empowering the General Counsel or his designee to issue subpoenas for certain licensing board activities; providing for hearing examiners in the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs; providing additional powers to the Commissioner of Professional and Occupational Affairs; and further providing for civil penalties and license suspension,” providing for reporting of sanctions and criminal proceedings and for temporary and automatic suspension. The bill was approved, 49-0.
State System of Higher Education Property Request No. 1 of 2015 was adopted.
Executive Nominations
The following nominees were confirmed, 49-0:
Rachel Leland Levine, Physician General
Eileen H. McNulty, Secretary of Revenue