SB 10 PN 295 (Reschenthaler): This bill requires municipalities to enforce certain administrative requests from the federal government, removes municipalities’ of refuge eligibility for certain state programs, and makes municipalities of refuge liable for certain damages. Senator Hughes offered Amendment A00162, which would require the commonwealth to reimburse municipalities for the full cost of any civil judgment imposed attains the municipality for compliance with the legislation. The amendment was defeated, 13-36. Senator Blake offered Amendment A00165, which would limit certain liabilities on municipalities. The amendment was defeated, 13-36. Senator Sabatina offered Amendment A00170, which would allow law enforcement grants to be released to municipalities of refuge under the legislation. The amendment was defeated, 15-34. Senator Hughes offered Amendment A00163, which would create an additional exception to governmental immunity for instances in which an individual is improperly stopped, searched, or detained as a result of racial profiling. The amendment was defeated, 15-34. Senator Hughes offered Amendment A00161, which would create an additional exception to sovereign immunity in instances where an individual is improperly detained pursuant to an Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) request and in compliance with the requirements of this bill. The amendment was defeated, 13-36. The bill was then approved 37-12.
SB 241 PN 281 (McGarrigle): This bill amends the Equal Pay Law to explicitly allow employers to pay employees with similar job functions differently based on the level or amount of education, training or experience they have. It also prohibits discharge or discrimination if an employee makes a complaint under the Law. Senator Williams offered Amendment A00127, which would add the non-sex based differential exception to the Equal Pay Law must be bona fide. The amendment was defeated, 15-34. Senator Williams offered Amendment A00126, which would remove language that would prohibit persons covered under Federal Fair Labor Standards Act from receiving coverage under the Equal Pay Law. The amendment was defeated 15-34. Senator Corman offered Amendment A00169, which would add a preemption section to the law, which preempts local ordinances on the same subject. The amendment was adopted, 35-14. The bill then went over as amended.