SB 6, PN 994 (Regan) – This legislation creates the Public Assistance Integrity Act; it also amends the Human Services Code (Act 21 of 1967) by limiting the usage and defining “access device.” This legislation also limits benefit eligibility criteria, and it increases penalties for instances of willful fraud. Senator Street offered amendment A02448, which protects public benefits for certain second chance individuals. The Senate agreed to the amendment via voice vote and the bill went over in its order as amended.
HB 97, PN 2187 (Reese) – This bill provides for charter school reform. Senator Dinniman offered A02785, which would restore the statute providing grounds for nonrenewal or termination of a charter school if the school was convicted of fraud. The amendment failed, 17-32. Senator Dinniman then offered amendment A02789, which further provides for fiscal transparency when a charter contracts with an educational management company. The amendment failed, 17-32. Senator Dinniman offered amendment A02563, which requires transmission of certified attendance records when a student transfers to another school. The amendment failed, 18-31. Senator Haywood offered amendment A02485, which would allow a school district to withhold all of the funds provided to a charter or cyber school when the school’s performance profile score is 15 or more points lower than the school district’s score. The amendment failed, 16-33. The Senate ultimately passed the bill- unamended- by a vote of 26-23.
HB 280, PN 369 (Delozier) – This bill amends Title 42 (Judicial Code) to further provide for the retention and allocation of bail monies. Senator Greenleaf offered amendment A02840, which removes the language allowing any money posted by a third party as bail on the defendant’s behalf, which would otherwise be returnable, to be applied to such payment (provided the prosecutor files a motion seeking deduction and the court finds no undue hardship would be inflicted upon the third party depositor). The Senate agreed to the amendment by a vote of 49-0 and the bill went over in its order as amended. Later, Senator Mensch moved that the Senate reconsider the vote by which the bill was amended. The motion was agreed to via voice vote and Senator Regan changed his vote from aye to no. The amendment was approved, 48-1.
HB 285, PN 2197 (Stephens) – This bill amends 42 (Judicial Code) to further provide for the collection of restitution, fees, costs and fines by a correctional facility. Senator Martin offered amendment A02893, which provides further guidelines for county prisons. The amendment was agreed to by a vote of 48-1 and the bill went over in its order as amended.
HB 290, PN 2217 (Metzgar) – This bill extends the June 30, 2017, sunset dates for two environmental programs: (1) the Underground Storage Tank Environmental Cleanup Program and (2) the Underground Storage Tank Pollution Prevention Program. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 403, PN 401 (Brewster) – The bill amends Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) to change the membership of the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 1494, PN 1904 (Rapp) – HB1494 amends the Conservation and Natural Resources Act for the Governor to enter into a Good Neighbor Agreement with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture per the Federal Agricultural Act of 2014. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 176, PN 1818 (Pickett) – This bill amends the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act to exempt roadside stands used to sell seasonal agricultural products. Senator Brooks offered amendment A02883, which would also exempt structures used to load, unload or sort livestock at auction from the Construction Code Act. The amendment was agreed to by a vote of 49-0. The Senate agreed to the bill as amended, moving the bill up on the calendar.
SR 165, PN 1083 (Scarnati) – The resolution adds a rule to the Rules of the Senate about citations. Members making a request for a citation will provide the Legislative Reference Bureau with the facts so they can prepare the citation. The citation request shall be filed with the Secretary-Parliamentarian of the Senate and automatically referred to the President Pro Tempore, who may approve and sign the citation on behalf of the Senate. The Senate adopted the resolution by a vote of 49-0.
SR 166, PN 1080 (Scarnati) – The resolution amends the Financial Operating Rules of the Senate. The Senate adopted the resolution by a vote of 49-0.