HB 9, PN 2179 – This bill amends Title 75, Vehicles, as it pertains to junior drivers and children as passengers. A vote of 42-7 was recorded.
SB 281, PN 1553 – The bill amends the County Code (Act 130 of 1955) by increasing the threshold at which counties must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5173 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 282, PN 1554 – The bill amends the Third Class Cities Code (Act 317 of 1931) by increasing the threshold at which these cities must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5174 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 283, PN 1555 – The bill amends the Second Class Township Code (Act 69 of 1933) by increasing the threshold at which these townships must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A 5175 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 284, PN 1556 – The bill amends the First Class Township Code by increasing the threshold at which these townships must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5176 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 285, PN 1557 – The bill amends the Borough Code (Act 581 of 1965) by increasing the threshold at which these boroughs must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5177 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 286, PN 1558 – The bill amends the Incorporated Towns Contracts Act (Act 34 of 1953) by increasing the threshold at which these incorporated towns must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5178 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 287, PN 1559 – The bill amends Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) and Title 74 (Transportation) by increasing the threshold at which intergovernmental cooperation agreements, municipal authorities, parking authorities, and mass transit authorities must use competitive bidding and public advertising for purchases and contracts and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5179 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 288, PN 1560 – The bill amends the Second Class County Code by increasing the threshold at which second class counties must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5180 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 289, PN 1561 – The bill amends the Municipal Flood Improvement Law (Act 38 ½ of 1936 Special Session 1) by increasing the threshold for competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5181 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 290, PN 1562 – The bill amends the Political Subdivision Joint Purchases Law (Act 118of 1937) by increasing the threshold at which joint purchases by counties (other than first class counties), cities of the second and third class, boroughs, towns, townships, and school districts must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5182 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 291, PN 1563 – This bill amends Public Auditorium Authorities Law by increasing the threshold at which these must use competitive bidding and public advertising and providing for annual increases. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5183 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 292, PN 1564 – This bill amends the “Flood Control Law” of 1936 (Special Session No. 46) to increase the dollar amount on work that would be required to be bid. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5184 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 293, PN 1565 – Amends the State Public School Building Authority Act to raise the level at which the competitive bidding process must occur in the award of contracts to $25,000. Additionally, the bill would put in place an adjustment of these requirements based on the CPI cost of living index every five years. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5214 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 295, PN 1566 – This bill amends the Housing Authorities Law by increasing the dollar amount for contracts and purchases that are required to undergo the public bidding process. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A5186 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 296, PN 1567 – The legislation amends the School Code to raise the level at which the competitive bidding process must occur for construction contracts and the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment. Additionally, the bill calls for an adjustment of these requirements based on the CPI cost of living index every five years. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A A5187 that was technical in nature. Senator Costa also offered amendment A5241 that was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendments and the bill went over in its order.
SB 361, PN 342 – The legislation amends the Vital Statistics Law by allowing certain records to be available to the public. Senator Robbins offered amendment A5212 makes it so that records can be become public after 105 years have elapsed from the date of birth instead of 100. The Senate agreed to the amendment and the bill went over in its order.
SB 725, PN 731 – This bill amends the Borough Code to eliminate the elective office of assessor in boroughs. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 726, PN 732 – The legislation would amend The First Class Township Code to eliminate the office of elected assessor. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
Executive Nominations
The Senate approved the following nomination by a vote of 49-0:
Robert E. Graybill, V.M.D., Animal health and Diagnostic Commission
Hon. Eli N. Avila, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Charles C. Goodhart, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Lisa M. Hughes, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Hon. Michael Krancer, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Stephen M. Ostroff, M.D., Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Hon. Barry Schoch, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Hon. Allan C. Walker, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
Joshua G. Parsons, Clerk of Courts – Lancaster County
John E. DeFinnis, D.D.S., State Board of Dentistry
Theresa A. Groody, State Board of Dentistry
Norman Dresher, Board of Trustees of Hamburg Center
Andrew E. Masich, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Ann Moran, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Richard M. Sand, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Gregory J. Bittner, O.D., State Board of Optometry
Barbara B. Hassel, State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language & Hearing
Trudy Van Kirk Mosey, State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language & Hearing
Nanette M. Rodgers Wood, M.S., State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language & Hearing
Clifford N. Steinig, D.O., State Board of Examiners in Speech-Language & Hearing
William M. Mohler, State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers & Salesperson
Aimee L. Tyson, Board of Trustees of Wernersville State Hospital