Tuesday, September 16, 2014
HB 1052, PN 3691 (Freeman) – This legislation amends the PA Municipalities Planning Code (the “MPC”) to authorize using recreational impact fees for the additional purposes of acquiring, operating or maintaining park or recreational facilities reasonably accessible to development. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1210, PN 2277 (Pileggi) – The bill reforms and modernizes the Transit Revitalization Investment District (TRID) Act and provides for an additional funding mechanism under the act. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1356, PN 2003 (Corman) – This bill amends the Unfair Insurance Practices Act, further providing for definitions. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1357, PN 2004 (Corman) – This bill amends the Insurance Company Law of 1921 to ensure that individuals seeking physical therapy, chiropractic, and occupational therapy that pay for those services are not charged multiple copayments and coinsurances for these services. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 1558, PN 4073 (O’Neill) – The bill amends the Cosmetology Law, allowing licensed massage therapists to practice in cosmetology and esthetician salons. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
The Senate approved the following executive nominations by a vote of 49-0:
Margery B. Krevsky, Council of Trustees of Lock Haven University (reappointment)
Bruce L. Vickery, Council of Trustees of Mansfield University (new appointment)
Mark H. Dambly, Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania State University (reappointment)
Allie S. Goldstein, Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania State University (reappointment)
Paul H. Silvis, Board of Trustees of the Pennsylvania State University (reappointment)