Monday, October 24, 2016
HB 162, PN 3955 (Benninghoff) – This legislation amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) by permitting an adult adoptee access to their original birth certificate without the consent of their birth parents. It also allows for the birth parents to redact their name from the birth record. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
HB 928, PN 2409 (Mentzer) – House Bill 928 amends the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act, to further provide for limitations on redevelopment assistance capital projects (RACP) and for the administration of RACP. Senator Corman offered amendment A10742, which caps RACP obligations at $3.2 billion.
HB 1118, PN 4066 (Vereb) – This bill amends the Crimes Code to provide a process for the appointment of an independent counsel. It establishes a Special Independent Prosecutor’s Panel consisting of three judges. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
HB 1600, PN 4067 (Mackenzie) – This legislation amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) by providing business fee exemptions for veteran-owned/reservist-owned small businesses in the Commonwealth. Senator Costa offered amendment A10832 on behalf of Senator Hughes. The amendment was technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
HB 1618, PN 4068 (Fee) – HB 1618 amends the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L. 177, No.175) known as the Administrative Code to create the independent Office of Inspector General. A vote of 29-18 was recorded.
HB 1699, PN 4044 (R. Brown) – This legislation sets limits on the dispensing of opioid drugs in hospital emergency departments and urgent care centers in the Commonwealth. Senator Corman offered amendment A10718, which was technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
HB 2025, PN 4069 (Reese) – HB 2025 amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to allow the Department of Transportation to suspend a driver’s registration for failure to pay tolls on the Turnpike until the motorist makes the payment. Senator Sabatina offered amendment A10700, which prohibits the Turnpike Commission from converting tolls to all electronic operations unless affected employees are reassigned (per collective bargaining agreements). The amendment failed, 17-31. The bill was ultimately approved by a vote of 48-0.
HB 2058, PN 3428 (Farry) – This legislation amends Titles 35 (Health and Safety) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) by allowing paramedics to draw blood, upon request. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
HB 2107, PN 4063 (Baker) – This bill makes several changes to Title 62 (Procurement). It provides for public access to procurement records (consistent with the Right to Know Law), prohibits DGS contracting with certain companies, requires certain sole source procurements to be signed by the head of an agency, and explicitly allows agencies to procure services without a written contract during an emergency. Senator Bartolotta offered amendment A10855, which was technical in nature. The amendment was unanimously agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
HB 2148, PN 4064 (Farry) – Amends the Enforcement Officers Disability Benefits Law, commonly referred to as the Heart and Lung Act, to extend its coverage to certain individuals employed by the Commonwealth as firefighters. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
HB 2290, PN 3893 (Miccarelli) – The bill permits the Navigation Commission for the Delaware River and its navigable tributaries to increase fees for the issuance of original and renewed pilots licenses. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
HB 2291, PN 3769 (Miccarelli) – The bill will provide a rate increase for the River Pilots who navigate trade vessels along the Delaware River and its navigable tributaries. A vote of 47-0 was recorded.
HB 245, PN 3951 (Dunbar) – Amends the Local Tax Enabling Act (Act 511 of 1965) to clarify certain provisions related to the consolidated collection of local income taxes and delinquent taxes. Senator Brown offered amendment A10652, which was technical in nature. The amendment was approved, 48-0. Senator Gordner offered amendment A10828, which further provides for income tax rate limits in optional occupation tax elimination. The amendment was also approved by a vote of 48-0. The bill was agreed to as amended.
SB 805, PN 1900 (Boscola) – The bill amends Title 66 (Public Utilities) to allow large commercial and industrial class customers to opt-out of participation in an electric distribution company’s (EDC) energy efficiency and conservation program. Senator Boscola offered amendment A10642, which replaces current language with new opt-out procedures for large commercial and industrial customers. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 43-5. The bill was agreed to as amended.
HB 946, PN 3933 (Baker) – This bill establishes a framework for Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) and other entities (managed care organizations, third-party payers, or governmental health programs) to conduct audits within a pharmacy. Senator Brown offered amendment A10665, which provides for the use of the least expensive brand name product or generic product, sets conditions for reimbursement of brand name products, and repeals inconsistent provisions of the State Lottery Law. The amendment was approved, 47-1. Senator Corman offered amendment A10845 on behalf of Senator White. The amendment adds definitions, makes technical changes, requires the Department to make applications available on its website so businesses may register and charge applicable fees, and provides for scope of Department enforcement authority. The amendment was agreed to, 48-0. The bill was agreed to as amended.
HB 1885, PN 3075 (White) – This bill would cause any “sanctuary” municipality (including all townships, boroughs, cities, and counties) to be liable for damages if a person living within the municipality is determined to be in the country illegally and is convicted of a crime that causes injury. Senator Alloway offered amendment A10867, which forces local municipalities to enforce U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement regulations with regard to applicable detainees. The amendment was approved by a vote of 37-11. The Senate agreed to the bill as amended and re-referred the bill to Appropriations.
HB 1968, PN 4077 (Christiana) – This is a land conveyance bill authorizing four separate conveyances: two in Washington County, one in Monroe County and one in Westmoreland County. Senator Scarnati offered amendment A10804, which authorizes two additional conveyances. The amendment was agreed to and the Senate agreed to the bill as amended.
SB 984, PN 2167 (Bartolotta) – The legislation regulates Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), such as Uber and Lyft, throughout Pennsylvania. TNCs provide an alternative to traditional taxi service through a smart phone application that connects drivers with passengers. With regard to TNC operations in Philadelphia, the bill gives The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) the regulatory authority over these companies. The Senate concurred in House amendments by a vote of 47-1.
HB 1196, PN 4090 (Petri) – This bill amends the Liquor Code by modernizing the Code and providing for numerous reforms, including allowing beer distributors to sell down to a single bottle for off-premise consumption. The Senate concurred in House amendments to the bill as further amended by the Senate by a vote of 48-0.