HB 805, PN 3090 (Bloom) – This bill would amend the Public School Code of 1949 by allowing school districts to furlough employees for economic reasons based on their performance, followed by their seniority. Superintendents may extend the Temporary Professional Employee (TPE) status of an employee to a fourth year. Senator Aument moved to revert to the prior printer’s number, PN 1843. The motion carried by a vote of 25-22. Vote on final passage was 26-22.
SB 1031, PN 1606 (Gordner) – This bill repeals the expired provisions of Chapter 93 (Independent Counsel) of Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses). The bill reauthorizes the Counsel, by creating a new Chapter 95 (Independent Counsel) to replace the expired Chapter 93. The bill relates to investigations of criminal conduct by the Attorney General, any Deputy Attorney General, any public employee who works or worked in the Office of Attorney General until three years after the employee’s departure from the Office of Attorney General, or any chairman or treasurer of a political campaign of the Attorney General. Senator Gordner offered amendment A07087, which is technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over in its order as amended.
SB 1077, PN 1474 (Vogel) – This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to allow school boards to make the required notification about recording on school buses by means other than the U.S. Mail. Senator Costa offered amendment A07022, which requires school districts to post its policy regarding audio-visual recordings on its website. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over in its order as amended.
HB 1574, PN 3016 (Marsico) – This bill would expand the anti-hazing law beyond institutions of higher learning to include secondary schools. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 359, PN 1692 (Greenleaf) – This bill would address truancy among school students by requiring truancy elimination plans for children of compulsory school age who fail to attend school. Senator Reschenthaler offered amendment A07063, which removes the requirement that a truancy citation be filed in the jurisdiction where the child resides; adds two tiers of higher fines for second and subsequent violations; and requires the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study of truancy procedures. The amendment was agreed to and the Senate agreed to the bill as amended.