Monday, March 2, 2015
SB 130, PN 77 (Gordner) – This bill amends Title 42 providing for sentence of community service. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 501, PN 497 (Eichelberger) – This bill creates the Protection of Employee Wages Act to prohibit public employers from deducting political contributions, fair share fees or membership dues from the wages of a public employee. It also states that collective bargaining agreements shall not authorize or require the deduction of political contributions, fair share fees or membership dues deductions from a public employee’s wages. Senator Costa made a motion to re-refer the bill to Appropriations (where they bill was never considered), but the motion failed 19-29. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A00300, which removes language regarding membership fees and fair share fees while focusing solely on “political contributions.” The Senate vote on the amendment was 24-24. Lt. Governor Stack exercised his ability to break the tie and the amendment ultimately failed 25-24. Despite the fact that the bill was never referred to Appropriations and the fact that the amendment failed to achieve enough positive votes, Senator Corman further pushed for reconsideration of the vote. Senator Corman’s motion was approved 29-19. No further votes on the bill were requested and the bill went over in its order for the day.
The Senate approved the following executive nominations by a vote of 46-2:
Brian McGuffin, Esquire, Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Bucks County (new appointment)
Raymond McHugh, Esquire, Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Bucks County (new appointment)