Monday, June 26, 2017
HB 283, PN 269 (Baker) – House Bill 283 amends Act 46 of 2016 to correctly designate the overpass on State Route 15 over State Route 49 in Lawrence Township, Tioga County, as the Lance Corporal Michael G. Plank Memorial Bridge. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 630, PN 704 (Reschenthaler) – Establishes the Travel Insurance Modernization Act by reforming insurance licensure requirements to establish procedures for a limited lines travel insurance producer license. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 1431, PN 2091 (Masser) – This bill designates a portion of State Routes 54, 901, and 2023 in Northumberland and Schuylkill Counties, as the Honorable Robert E. Belfanti, Jr. Memorial Highway, and also makes several other road and bridge designations. Senator Regan offered amendment A02256, which designates what is commonly known as the Market Street Bridge in Harrisburg as the Senator Harold Mowery Market Street Bridge. The amendment was approved 49-1 and the bill went over in its order as amended.
The following executive nomination was approved by a vote of 50-0:
Joseph McGettigan, Sr., State Real Estate Commission (reappointment)