SB 342, PN 1383 (Folmer) – This legislation reforms the Local Government Unit Debt Act (LGUDA) in Title 53 to regulate the use of qualified interest rate management agreements, commonly known as “swaps” or “derivatives.” Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A09458, which makes a number of clarifications, eliminates restrictions on the use of multiple indexes, and adds language governing interest rate management agreements in Philadelphia. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over in its order as amended.
HB 568, PN 3705 (Evankovich) – This legislation amends the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act by adding two additional seats to the Uniform Construction Code Review and Advisory Council, extensively revising the code review process and increasing the building permit fee by $1. A vote of 45-3 was recorded.
SB 1227, PN 2010 (Blake) – Amends the Administrative Code (Act 175 of 1929) to transfer the functions of the Public Employee Retirement Commission. PERC’s Act 66 of 1981 state pension review functions would be transferred to the Independent Fiscal Office and its Act 205 of 1984 municipal pension functions to the Auditor General Department. Senator Alloway moved that the Senate concur in amendments placed by the House to SB 1227. The amendments were concurred in by a vote of 48-0.
SB 514, PN 1970 (Vance) – This bill amends the Generic Equivalent Drug Law to provide for the substitution of an interchangeable biological product for a brand name biologic product. Senator Alloway moved that the Senate concur in amendments placed by the House to SB 514. The amendments were concurred in by a vote of 48-0.
SB 533, PN 1952 (Eichelberger) – This bill amends Title 42 §9912 regarding Supervisory relationships to offenders. The bill establishes criteria in the disposition of contraband left in the possession of probation and parole agencies. Senator Alloway moved that the Senate concur in amendments placed by the House to SB 533. The amendments were concurred in by a vote of 48-0.
SB 956, PN 1953 (Ward) – SB 956 designates a bridge on that portion of State Route 1017 over the Mill Creek in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, as the Lieutenant Eric Eslary Memorial Bridge and also designates a portion of State Route 981 in Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, as the James Paul Takitch Honorary Highway. Senator Alloway moved that the Senate concur in amendments placed by the House to SB 956. The amendments were concurred in by a vote of 48-0.
SB 1229, PN 2020 (Vogel) –This bill amends the Administrative Code to provide additional responsibilities for the Department of Environmental Protection with respect to unconventional wells, amends the Pennsylvania Breeding Fund to provide for a broader and increased breeder reward system and makes changes to the Breeding Fund Advisory Committee. It also provides for notice of public hearing for closure of state correctional institutions. Senator Alloway moved that the Senate concur in amendments placed by the House to SB 1229 as further amended by the Senate. The amendments were concurred in by a vote of 41-7.