HB 794, PN 3097 (Gillespie) – This legislation amends the County Code by repealing sections 1770.2 (relating to authorization of excise tax) and 1770.6 (relating to authorization of hotel tax). It increases the maximum allowable hotel tax rate from 3% to 5% in 3rd through 8th class counties and institutes reforms to the remittance process and tourist promotion agency certification and decertification process. Senator Vogel offered amendment A06667, which clarifies that rental cabins are subject to the county hotel occupancy tax and adds further exemptions to the tax (such as charitable institutions). Senator Brooks offered amendment A06699 to Senator Vogel’s amendment, which would exclude cabins without running water from the tax. Senator Brooks’ amendment was agreed to. Senator Vogel’s amended amendment was approved by a vote of 47-2, and the bill went over in its order as amended. Later, Senator Alloway called up supplemental calendar number two and motioned that the Senate further consider the bill, notwithstanding the provisions of Senate Rule 12. The motion carried and the vote on the bill (PN 3162) was 43-6.
SB 1040, PN 1333 (Teplitz) – SB 1040 designates the bridge on State Route 225 that crosses the Armstrong Creek in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, as the Staff Sergeant Brian K. Mowery Memorial Bridge. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1114, PN 1514 (Yaw) – The bill amends the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537 of 1965) to allow for alternate on-lot sewage disposal systems. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 1329, PN 2973 (English) – House Bill 1329 allows a hospital patient or guardian to designate a lay caregiver that may help to develop and participate in the patient’s discharge plan regarding after-care assistance. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1153, PN 1592 (Vogel) – The bill designates a portion of State Routes 108 and 551 in Lawrence County as the Battery B Memorial Highway. Senator Rafferty offered amendment A06708, an omnibus road and bridge naming package. The amendment was agreed to and the Senate agreed to the bill as amended.
SR 263, PN 1529 (Argall) – This resolution directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study overtime costs incurred by the Department of Corrections. The Senate adopted the resolution via voice vote.
HR 783, PN 3091 (Harper) – This resolution would move the Proposed Constitutional Amendment 1 from the April 26th, 2016 Primary Election Day to the November 8th, 2016 General Election Day. Senator Alloway called up supplemental calendar number one and moved that the Senate adopt the resolution. The resolution was adopted, 32-17.