SB 1067, PN 2127 (Alloway) – This bill amends Title 75 to further define “emergency vehicle.” A vote of 46-0 was recorded.
SB 1144, PN 2077 (Ward) – This bill amends the Health Security Act by prohibiting insurers from setting fees for non-covered insurance services. A vote of 46-0 was recorded.
SB 1177, PN 1420 (Solobay) – This bill designates an interchange on I-70 in Washington County. A vote of 46-0 was recorded.
SB 1351, PN 2140 (Vance) – This bill amends the Vital Statistics Law of 1953 by permitting a certified registered nurse practitioner (CRNP) to sign death certificates. A vote of 46-0 was recorded.
SB 1406, PN 1934 (Folmer) – This bill amends section 6503 of Title 24 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (24 Pa.C.S. §6503) to allow private, nonprofit colleges or universities to offer additional degrees and institute additional programs and majors without the approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) if the college or university has operated continuously in Pennsylvania for at least ten years and is accredited by a regional accrediting agency. A vote of 46-0 was recorded.
HB 2045, PN 2184 (Hess) – This bill designates a bridge in Bedford County. A vote of 46-0 was recorded.