SB 276, PN 1977 (Argall) – This legislation amends the Downtown Location Law to expand the factors that should be considered when determining where to local a state office facility and requires that the agency coordinate with local historical and economic development entities. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 424, PN 1977 (Godshall) – This legislation amends Act 72 of 1983 (The Public Adjuster Licensing Law) regarding administration and enforcement of public adjusters. Senator Don White offered Amendment A09224, which is technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 623, PN 1978 (Tomlinson) – This legislation assists veteran-owned businesses in procurement contracts with Commonwealth agencies. Senator Tomlinson offered Amendment A09227, which is technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
HB 816, PN 1853 (Grove) – This legislation amends the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act by further providing for qualifications for license. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 884, PN 938 (Greenleaf) – This legislation amends the Associations Code, Title 15, and Title 54 (Names) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, to complete the codification of the Nonprofit Corporation Law (Title 15, Part II, Subpart C). Senator Greenleaf offered Amendment A08997, which includes provisions for limited liability corporations. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
SB 1141, PN 1909 (McIlhinney) – This legislation amends the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2004 by providing for the definition and inclusion of “relocated manufactured home,” as well as providing for further regulations regarding relocated manufactured homes. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1373, PN 1886 (Greenleaf) – This legislation amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) further providing for six months limitation and for deficiency judgments. Senator Greenleaf offered Amendment A09235, which is technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
Executive Nominations The Senate approved the following nominations by a vote of 48-0:
David B. Morgan, RLA, State Board of Landscape Architects
John Noone, State Board of Physical Therapy