Sunday, June 29, 2014
HB 272 PN 3542 (O’Neil): Amends the Dental Law to allow dentists from other states or United States territories to obtain a newly-established “restricted faculty license” which will authorize the individuals to teach in dental schools in Pennsylvania. The bill specifies that the term, “Practice of Dentistry,” includes the practice of dentistry under a restricted faculty license and defines “restricted faculty license.” The bill was approved, 50-0.
HB 927 PN 2100 (Sankey): Re-enacts and amends the Community Services Block Grant Act, extending the expiration of the act; further providing for financial assistance for Community Services Block Grant Program; and making editorial changes. The bill was approved, 50-0.
SB 1266 PN 1885 (Solobay): Amends the Emergency and Law Enforcement Personnel Death Benefits Act, further providing for certification of death. The bill was approved, 50-0.
SB 1405 PN 2103 (Baker): Amends Title 75 further providing for issuance and content of driver’s license. The bill was approved, 50-0.
SB 1443 PN 2213 (White): Amends the Indigenous Mineral Resources Development Act, further providing for definitions. The bill was approved, 49-1.
HB 1972 PN 3865 (Snyder): Designates a bridge in Greene County as the Lieutenant Colonel Cephus Lee Roupe Memorial Bridge; designating the bridges recognized as MF 195 and MF 196 carrying State Route 43 over the Dunlap Creek in Luzerne Township, Fayette County, as the Fayette Expressway Completion Organization (FAECO) Bridges; and designating State Bridge No. 53-0054-0290-0143 carrying S.R. 54 in Mahanoy Township, Schuylkill County, over the Reading and Northern Railroad, as the Cornelius McElhenny Memorial Bridge. The bill was approved, 50-0.
HB 2242 PN 3869 (Toohil): Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1985, further providing for definitions and for prosthetists, orthotists, pedorthists and orthotic fitters. The bill was approved, 50-0.
HB 2275 PN 3723 (Barrar): Amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in emergency telephone service, further providing for termination. The bill was approved, 50-0.
SR 414 PN 2205 (Smucker): Directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a study of alternative methods of authorizing charter schools and regional charter schools. The resolution was approved, 50-0.