HB 67, PN 66: This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) providing for the offense of greyhound race simulcasting. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 78, PN 2241: This legislation would amend Title 30 (Fish) to increase the grading and penalty for the offense of homicide-by-watercraft while operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A vote of 49-1 was recorded.
HB 960, PN 2048: The legislation amends the Public Welfare Code by establishing a fraud detection system within the Department of Public Welfare for each county to identify, investigate and resolve potential cases of fraud prior to determining an applicant’s eligibility for assistance. The bill also provides for inmate medical costs. Senator Vance offered amendment A04619 which provides for welfare reform, hospital assessment, hospital payments, nursing homes, inmate medical costs, rulemaking authority and loophole premium. A vote of 35-15 was recorded on the amendment and the bill went over as amended.
SR 130, PN 1292: The resolution honors William Penn and Hannah Callowhill Penn and endorses the construction of a memorial to recognize their contributions to history on the Independence Mall in Philadelphia. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
Executive Nominations
The Senate approved the following nomination by a vote of 50-0:
Jay H. Shah, Board of Trustees of Temple University