SB 579, PN 1193 (Rafferty)- Amends the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, further providing for the Pennsylvania State Police; and repealing an act relating to limitation on complement of the Pennsylvania State Police. The Senate concurred in amendments placed by the House to the bill by a vote of 48-0.
SB 583, PN 1174 (Eichelberger)-Amends the act of August 23, 1967 (P.L.251, No.102), known as the Economic Development Financing Law, further providing for competition in award of contracts. The Senate concurred in amendments placed by the House to the bill by a vote of 48-0.
HB 513, PN 556 (Stevenson)-Amends Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for settlement of small estates on petition and for estates not exceeding $25,000. Senator Costa offered an amendment ( A02513). The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over in its order.
SB 607, PN 577 (Browne)-Provides standards for carbon monoxide alarms; and imposing penalties. A vote of 47-1 was recorded.
SB 914, PN 1289 (White)-Creates the Insurance Regulation and Oversight Fund; and providing for its use. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1010, PN 1225 (Yaw)-Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for permit for movement during course of manufacture. A vote of 49-0 was recorded
HB 1124, PN 2061 (Scavello)-Amends Title 7 (Banks and Banking) to make PA consistent with recently adopted Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations under the federal SAFE Act, by clarifying licensing provisions and requirements. A voteof 49-0 was recorded
HB 1172, PN 1606 (Christiana) Clarifies that the Mercantile or Business Privilege Tax rate set in the year after a merger of political subdivisions must remain the same in all subsequent years, but the limitation of revenue neutrality only applies in the first year after the merger. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 1325, PN 1706 (Maloney)-Amends the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537 of 1965) to add definitions and to clarify requirements for permits and official plans. A vote of 41-8 was recorded.
The Senate unanimously approved Real Property Dispostion Plan- R.P.D.P. # 1 of 2013.