Wednesday, June 25, 2014
HB 1090, PN 2005 (Youngblood)- Amends Title 23 and Title 18 to allow a police officer to accept a newborn from a parent who wishes to relinquish the newborn. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 1271, PN 2774 (Readshaw)-Authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions imposed on a portion of land located in Brentwood Borough, Allegheny County in exchange for the imposition of Project 70 restrictions on another parcel of land owned by Brentwood Borough. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 1409, PN 2176 (Rafferty)-Amends the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.306, No.84), known as the Board of Vehicles Act, further providing for unlawful acts by manufacturers or distributors. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 2072, PN 3839 (Murt)-This is an omnibus Bridge, Highway and Road naming bill. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.