HB 326, PN 1130 (Fabrizio) – Amends the County Code by changing the governance of 3rd class county convention center authorities. The bill was approved, 48 – 0.
SB 419, PN 1158 (Gordner) – Amends Act 69 entitled “An act to validate conveyances and other instruments which have been defectively acknowledged,” extending the date for validation of mortgages and deeds made between 2005 and 2013. The Senate concurred in amendments placed by the House to the bill by a vote of 48 – 0.
SB 601, PN 1188 (Scarnati) – Amends Title 44 (Law and Justice) to create the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act. It also amends Title 45 (Legal Notices) to make changes to the Joint Committee on Documents and further provide for the publishing, handling, pricing and distribution of official Commonwealth documents. Senator Scarnati offered Amendment A02419 that would provide for the reimbursement of expenses of a governmental member by the governmental member’s agency and that the reimbursement of expenses for a public member shall be paid by the bureau. The amendment was adopted 48 – 0 and the bill went over as amended.
SB 644, PN 1173 (Scarnati) – Amends Title 3 (Agriculture) & 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, to amend the definition of “wild animal” to exclude a species or variation of swine, pig, or boar held in captivity, and providing for swine hunting preserves. The Senate concurred in amendments placed by the House to the bill by a vote of 32 – 16.
HB 891, PN 1945 (Peifer) – Amends Title 34 (Game) to allow properly permitted Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators to check traps remotely by electronic means. The bill was approved, 48 – 0.
SB 1002, PN 1178 (Corman) – Act providing for the capital budget for the fiscal year 2013-2014. The bill was approved, 48 – 0.
Executive Nominations:
The following nominees were confirmed by a vote of 48 – 0:
- Raymond A. Feidt, State Board of Crane Operators
- Jack E. Pletcher, State Board of Crane Operators