HB 84 PN 62 (R. Miller): Amends the Agricultural Area Security Law to provide for inspections of preserved farmland and nullifying certain provisions in regulation. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 150 PN 342 (Pileggi): Amends Title 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes in the area of mandatory sampling of DNA and purging of DNA records from the state DNA database Senator Pileggi offered Amendment A02186. It would provide the State Police may publish its informational pamphlet on expungement on the PSP Internet Website. It also deletes language from the annual DNA repport to the General Assembly concerning the number of charges or closing investigations filed from DNA collection for previous unsolved cases and the number of acquittals, convictions, and dismissals in cases where DNA samples were collected for previously unsolved cases. The amendment was adopted 50-0. Senator Williams offered Amendment A02062, which would delete limit DNA Collection at the time of arrest to felony offense, provide that DNA evidence may not be loaded onto the CODIS DNA database until the arrestee has received preliminary arraignment, and provides that blood samples for DNA collection from arrestees require a warrant. The amendment was defeated 23-27, along party lines and the bill went over as amended.
SB 700 PN 1135 (Scarnati): Amends the Second Class County Port Authority Act to make changes to the composition of the Board of the Port Authority of Allegheny County (Authority) and to order the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (Department) to conduct certain studies Senator Vulakovich offered Amendment A02207. It would reconstitute the current 9 member board to 11 member board. The amendment was adopted 50-0 and the bill went over as amended.
SB 963 PN 1107 (Folmer): Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Governor, to dedicate, grant and convey a right-of-way for a roadway situate in East Hanover Township, Lebanon County. The bill was approved 50-0.
SB 964 PN 1008 (Folmer): Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and the Governor, to grant and convey to First Capital Equities, Inc., certain land of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania situate in East Hanover Township, Lebanon County, being a portion of Fort Indiantown Gap lands. The bill was approved 50-0
HB 987 PN 1151 (Everett): An Act designating the bridge that carries State Route 973 over Loyalsock Creek in Upper Fairfield Township and Eldred Township, Lycoming County, as the George E. Logue, Sr. Memorial Bridge. The bill was approved 50-0.