SB 1062 PN 1325 (Corman): An Act making appropriations from the restricted revenue accounts within the State Gaming Fund and from the State Gaming Fund to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, the Department of Revenue, the Pennsylvania State Police and the Attorney General for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. This bill was unanimously approved.
HB 442 PN 2083 (Helm): An Act amending Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, prohibiting private transfer fee obligations; and providing for notice and disclosure of existing private transfer fee obligations. This bill was unanimously approved.
SB 732 PN 1326 (Vance): An Act regulating certain facilities which perform abortions; imposing powers and duties on the Department of Health, the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee and the Legislative Reference Bureau; and imposing penalties. This bill was approved 38-12.