SB 775, PN 1826: This bill amends Title 44 (Law and Justice) to expand the list of eligible criminal offenses for which DNA testing is required, require the immediate purging of the DNA records of exonerated individuals, ensure the privacy and proper use of DNA records, authorize the use of modified DNA searches to assist investigators in identifying unknown crime scene DNA profiles among other aspects. A vote of 42-6 was recorded.
SB 1237, PN 1823: This legislation amends the Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act to allow designation of any unused Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zones and extends tax exemptions to any parcel of land adjacent to a current Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) if it will create at least 200 new jobs. Senator Argall offered amendment A6971 which adds a section about monitoring data. Senator Tomlinson offered amendment A06981 that adds language dealing with applications. In addition, Senator Blake offered amendment A06950 which adds language about extensions or waivers. The Senate agreed to all of the amendments and the bill went over in its order.
HB 1337, PN 1535: This measure authorizes the turn back of a road to Ward Township, Tioga County by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1336, PN 1825: This legislation amends the Accident and Health Filing Reform Act by dividing the act into Federal compliance and Commonwealth exclusivity. Senator D. White offered amendment A07009 which was technical in nature. The Senate agreed to the amendments and the bill went over as amended.