HB 715, PN 729 (Hickernell) – Amends “The Local Tax Collection Law” to provide for the collection of municipal taxes by a county treasurer in third through eighth class counties. A vote of 50-0 was recorded
SB 730, PN 1822 (Gordner) – The bill amends the Second Class Township Code (P.L. 103, No. 69 of 1933) by amending Section 1503 to permit a township to transfer real and personal property to a council of governments (COGs) or any other entity created by an intergovernmental cooperation agreement without following public notification and bidding requirements. Senator Gordner offered Amendment A07342, which was technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
HB 755, PN 846 (Gabler) – Amends the County Code to increase the annual meeting and dues expenses allowed for county directors of veterans’ affairs from a maximum of $100 to a maximum of $400. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 894, PN 911 (Robbins) – Amends the Second Class Township Code, further providing for compensation of supervisors. A vote of xx was recorded.
HB 1458, PN 2838 (Tallman) – This bill amends Title 75 as it provides for nonreceiprocity of operational limitations. The bill also includes language for the “Automated Red Light Enforcement Program”. Senator Pileggi offered Amendment A07450, which was technical in nature. The amendment was agreed to and the bill went over as amended.
Executive Nominations:
The Senate approved the following Executive Nominations by a vote of 50-0:
Dene Liott, Pennsylvania Council on Aging
Jen Martchek, Pennsylvania Council on Aging
William K. Ryan, Pennsylvania Council on Aging
Joseph J. Volk, Pennsylvania Council on Aging
Stuart A. Wesbury, Jr., Pennsylvania Council on Aging
Michael H. Firestine, Animal Health and Diagnostic Commission
Melvin C. Gehman, Animal Health and Diagnostic Commission
Thomas A. Sollenberger, Animal Health and Diagnostic Commission
William Lehr, Jr. Commonwealth of PA Council on the Arts
Robert W. Pullo, Commonwealth of PA Council on the Arts
Bruce R. Clash, Children’s Trust Fund Board
Angela Marie Liddle, Children’s Trust Fund Board
Maria DiGiorgio McColgan, M.D., F.A.A.P.; Children’s Trust Fund Board
James Davenport, Board of Trustees of Clarks Summit State Hospital
John E. Dohner, State Board of Crane Operators
David E. Black, State Farm Products Show Commission
Daniel S. DiMucci, RLA, ASLA; State Board of Landscape Architects
Keith E. Loiselle, State Board of Medicine
Diane Howarth, RN, BS, CHPN; State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators
Kerri L. Hample, OTD, OTR; State Board of Occupational Therapy Education and Licensure
Gayle A. Cotchen, PharmD, MBA; State Board of Pharmacy
Theresa M. Talbott, R.Ph., State Board of Pharmacy
Feather O’Conner Houstoun, Philadelphia School Reform Commission
Albert M. Geniviva, R.Ph., Board of Trustees of Polk Center
Jayne L. Romero, Board of Trustees of Polk Center
Colleeen A. Stuart, Board of Trustees of Polk Center
David R. Fillman, State Employees’ Retirement Board
The Honorable M. Joseph Rocks, State Employees’ Retirement Board
Kenneth S. Harting, Board of Trustees of Wernersville State Hospital
Carolyn Hausman, Boar of Trustees of Wernersville State Hospital