SB 351, PN 273 (Erickson) – This bill provides municipalities with power to establish Stormwater Management Authorities. A vote of 49-1 was recorded.
SB 808, PN 837 (Smucker) – This legislation allows for the abolishment of the county office of Jury Commissioner for third through eighth class counties. A vote of 38-12 was recorded.
SB 10, PN 719 (Scarnati) – This bill amends the Public School Code to authorize the Office for Safe Schools to make grants to address school violence or enhance school security. Senator Scarnati offered amendment A00979, which specifies a municipality’s use of grant funds and modifies the percentages appropriated for target grants. The amendment was agreed to and the bill was agreed to as amended.
SB 120, PN 920 (Pileggi) – This bill amends the Pennsylvania Election Code to further provide for reporting requirements related to primary and election expenses. Senator Pileggi offered amendment A00968, which reduces the monetary reporting threshold under Section 1626.2 to $10,000 per calendar year. The amendment was agreed to and the bill was agreed to as amended.