Wednesday, October 15, 2014
HB 46, PN 3761 (Godshall) – This legislation re-establishes the Organ and Bone Marrow Tax Credit. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 80, PN 4248 (Metcalfe) – This bill would amend the Crimes Code to prohibit theft of secondary metals, defined as any wire, pipe, cable, copper, aluminum, or other metal used in the communications, or electrical industry, or used in a utilities or transit business, or is valuable as a raw or recyclable material. Senator Alloway offered amendment A10397, which would allow the NRA (or other organization) to sue a local municipality, subjecting the municipality to costly litigation, if the municipality enacts an ordinance regulating firearms. The amendment was approved by a vote of 32-16. Senator Leach offered amendment A10492, which grandfathers in existing municipal ordinances; provides that if a municipality prevails in the lawsuit, it is entitled to reasonable expenses in the defense of the ordinance; and bars anyone that has a domestic violence order against them, and their weapon was seized, from being able to sue. The amendment failed by a vote of 17-31. Senator Farnese offered amendment A10461, which imposes a mandatory minimum sentence (two years) for carrying an illegal firearm in the city of Philadelphia. The amendment failed by a vote of 22-26. The bill went over in its order as amended.
HB 91, PN 4310 (Evankovich) – This legislation expands the eligibility of the Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) programs to career and technical schools similar to other public schools. Additionally the bill combines the EITC and EOSTC tax credit programs into one article in the Tax Reform Code and revises the implementation steps of each program. The bill also amends the definition of a contracting authority to permit a CRIZ pilot in a municipality. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 803, PN 4240 (Stevenson) – This bill amends the Public School Code to provide schools with access to emergency epinephrine. Senator Wagner offered amendment A10414, a union busting amendment that would prohibit automatic wage deductions of union dues as part of a collective bargaining agreement. The amendment failed by vote of 20-28. The bill was approved by a vote of 48-0.
HB 1013, PN 4174 (Gillen) – This bill amends the Public School Code to provide for home education programs and require the awarding of high school diplomas. A vote of 37-11 was recorded.
HB 1067, PN 1294 (Brooks) – Amends the Taxpayer Relief Act to exempt Social Security cost-of-living adjustments from income calculated when determining eligibility for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) program. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 1135, PN 4284 (Gabler) – HB 1135 renames multiple roads and bridges. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1440, PN 2384 (Tomlinson) – This bill amends the State System of Higher Education Intellectual Property Act to authorize state-owned universities and its employees to enter into economic development agreements. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1491, PN 2397 (Erickson) – The bill amends the Cemetery and Funeral Merchandise Trust Fund Law. A vote of 32-16 was recorded.
HB 1655, PN 4226 (Baker) – An Act establishing the Patient-Centered Medical Home Advisory Council; providing powers and duties of the council, the Department of Public Welfare; and providing for development of a plan to implement a Statewide medical home model. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 1750, PN 3859 (Maher) – This bill prohibits certain cruelty to animal activities related to dogs and cats and provides penalties. Senator Brubaker offered amendment A10478, which, instead of eliminating pigeon shoots, gives the PA Game Commission oversight of pigeon shoots in the Commonwealth, provides for permitting and explains how these shoots may be conducted. The amendment failed by a vote of 15-33. Senator Eichelberger offered amendment A08585, which would prohibit the poisoning or trapping of pigeons. The amendment failed by a vote of 7-41. The bill was approved by a vote of 36-12.
HB 1796, PN 3107 (Stephens) – This legislation amends Title 53 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes by prohibiting a municipal ordinance from penalizing a resident, tenant or landlord if police or emergency services respond to a residence or tenancy to assist a victim of abuse or individuals in an emergency. Senator Hughes made a motion to revert to the prior printer’s number. The motion passed by a vote of 26-22. The bill went over in its order.
HB 1846, PN 4314 (Quinn) – This bill amends the Workers’ Compensation Act to reform the practice of drug dispensing by physicians and outpatient providers within the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation system, and provides for an annual study. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 1874, PN 4313 (Farry) – Amends the Judicial Code (Title 42) to require that a provider of counseling services to sexually violent predators must notify law enforcement of the provision of the services. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2110, PN 4308 (Benninghoff) – This legislation amends the PA Lottery Law to provide for a permanent reduction of the mandated minimum rate of return or “profit margin.” The bill also prohibits the expansion of computer or Internet based lottery games, unless specifically authorized by law. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2178, PN 3855 (Moul) – Amends Title 30 (Fish & Boat Code) and 34 (Game Code) provides that Wildlife Conservation Officers and Waterway Conservation Officers meet the definition of “law enforcement officers” under the Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act to allow for the use of body cameras in the performance of their duties. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2234, PN 3746 (Turzai) – Amends Title 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated Associations) and Title 54 (Names) to provide for entity transactions. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2278, PN 3838 (Pickett) – The bill creates the “Unconventional Well Report Act” and changes the reporting requirements of unconventional wells. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2345, PN 3730 (Marsico) – Amends the Rental-Purchase Agreement Act regarding the purchase price of rental property. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2354, PN 3898 (Snyder) – The bill creates the “Pennsylvania Greenhouse Gas Regulation Implementation Act” and requires the Department of Environmental Protection to submit an implementation plan for regulating carbon emissions to the General Assembly for approval. A vote of 31-17 was recorded.
HB 2377, PN 4291 (James) – Authorizes exemption from the payment of specific taxes and fees by certain out-of-state businesses and employees while working during a declared disaster. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2481, PN 4309 (Mentzer) – This bill creates the Supplemental Security Income State Supplement Payments for Out-of-State Payors Act. The Act would allow the Treasury Department to process Supplemental Security Income State Supplement Payments for out-of-state payors. The bill appropriates $4.5 million so that the Department can carry out activities under the Act. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.