Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of July 23, 2017

The Senate voted 35-15 in favor of House Bill 59, which would have instituted work requirements for those who receive government assistance benefits. This legislation would have required the Department of Human Services (DHS) to seek federal approval for changes that...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of July 16, 2017

The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 211, which would create a Statewide 2-1-1 System Grant Program. The Pennsylvania 2-1-1 system is a communication system that provides health and human services assistance in certain parts of Pennsylvania.  Currently, the...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of July 9, 2017

The Senate voted 26-23 in favor of House Bill 97, which would make changes to the state’s cyber and charter school law. The bill would: require public and charter school advertisements to clearly indicate the use of public funds for tuition and transportation costs;...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of July 2, 2017

The Senate unanimously passed House Bill 59, which would allow for an adoptive family to make an appeal for adoption assistance.  Families would be authorized to appeal for an adoption subsidy under the Adoption Opportunities Act. This bill allows the parents of an...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 25, 2017

The Senate voted 43-7 for House Bill 218, which is the $31.9 billion General Appropriation Bill for the 2017-18 fiscal year. This amount is an increase of $54 million over the fiscal 2016-17 budget. Notable appropriations in this year’s budget include: $2 billion in...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 18, 2017

The Senate unanimously passed House Bill 168, which outlaws misrepresenting one’s military service or honors to benefit themselves. This bill makes it a third-degree misdemeanor to falsely present oneself as a member of the military, veteran or recipient of any...