Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 22, 2014

  The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 1090, which would add police stations to the state’s safe haven law. The measure would require police officers working at the police station to accept a newborn from a parent seeking to relinquish it. It would also...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 15, 2014

  The Senate voted unanimously for House Bill 43, which would amend the Volunteer Health Services Act, expanding it to include mental health services provided to military personnel and their family. The bill would allow physicians and other health care...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 8, 2014

  The Senate unanimously approved House Bill 1559, which would require schools to adopt age-appropriate suicide prevention and exploitation awareness programs. The suicide prevention programs would be geared for students in grades 6 to 12. The exploitation...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 1, 2014

  The Senate voted 47-1 in favor of House Bill 1738, which would establish a 15-member Basic Education Funding Commission. Under the bill, the commission would study the state’s basic education funding formula and recommend reforms to the legislature. Some of the...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of June 1, 2014

  The Senate voted 47-1 in favor of House Bill 1738, which would establish a 15-member Basic Education Funding Commission. Under the bill, the commission would study the state’s basic education funding formula and recommend reforms to the legislature. Some of the...

Senate Democratic Wrap-up for the Week of May 4, 2014

  The Senate unanimously approved Senate Bill 31, which would toughen child abuse reporting requirements in schools. The measure would do away with the separate reporting requirement for schools and mandates that suspected child abuse be reported directly to the...