Protecting the People Who Protect Pennsylvania

Op-ed by Senator Amanda Cappelletti 

With the recent rise of oil and gas prices, we have heard a lot about how Pennsylvania should be an energy leader. We can be. We should be. And it should be clean energy – a move that increases job opportunities, economic development, and places us at the forefront of addressing the climate crisis.

Report after report illustrates the dire state of our environment. This year’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report made it clear – we must act now to avoid the very worst impacts of climate change.

Harrisburg Needs to End Reliance on School Property Taxes

Op-ed by Senator Lisa Boscola, 18th Senatorial District

Breaking News… The way Pennsylvania funds its public school system is wildly unfair.  It should not have taken a public interest lawsuit to confirm to the General Assembly what I and many others have been saying for a few decades now… homeowners, school districts, teachers and most important students do not win with the way Pennsylvania pays for its public schools.  

Lehigh Valley Manufacturing Didn’t Cease when Bethlehem Steel Closed. It’s thriving

Op-ed By Lisa Boscola

In the Lehigh Valley, we had much to celebrate during “Manufacturing Week” in Pennsylvania from Oct. 7-14. Too many people still think that our manufacturing economy ceased when the Bethlehem Steel smokestacks stopped billowing. As the daughter of a steelworker, I am happy to report that manufacturing is alive and well here. We are home to well-known manufacturers: Mack Trucks, Lutron Electronics, Bosch Rexroth, Victaulic, and Lehigh Valley Heavy Forge.

Building a Better Student-to-Teacher Pipeline Can Ease Staffing Crisis

Op-ed By Senator Vincent Hughes and Sharif El-Mekki

A decade ago, Pennsylvania certified 20,000 new teachers.  Last year, that number was down to 6,000.  Chronic understaffing, along with underfunding, is driving increased burnout and shorter teaching careers.

That loss of teachers is particularly concerning among communities of color which make up 37 percent of the student body, but only 7 percent of teachers.

Simply put, Pennsylvania’s teacher workforce is not keeping up with a rapidly diversifying student body, leading to a classroom experience that is less than ideal for both the teacher and the student. 

Dillon Focuses on Quality of Life

Op-ed by Senator Jimmy Dillon

As a recent candidate for public office and a new member of the State Senate I’ve learned quality of life is still the driving force in local politics. The things that make a difference in the day-to-day lives of the people I serve are usually far less dramatic than the hot button topics in Harrisburg or Washington.