October 4, 2017
HB 103 PN 81 (Neuman): This bill designates the bridge located on the portion of State Route 980 over the Chartiers Creek in Canonsburg Borough, Washington County, as the “Officer Scott L. Bashioum Memorial Bridge.” The bill was approved by a vote of 50-0. HB 409 PN...
October 3, 2017
SB 564 PN 610 (Yaw): This bill creates a free-standing act providing for installation of protective fencing on certain State-owned bridges and for powers and duties of the Department of Transportation. The bill was approved by a vote of 50-0. ...
October 2, 2017
Monday, October 2, 2017 HB 45, PN 2108 (Godshall) – This legislation creates the Right to Try Act, for the use of investigational drugs, biological products and medical devices by terminally ill patients. A vote of 49-0 was recorded. SB 530, PN 1166 (Killion) – This...
September 20, 2017
HB 453 PN 2410 (Ryan): This bill amends the Fiscal Code to address the fiscal operations, revenue and potential liabilities of the Commonwealth to meet the requirements of Article VIII, Section 13 of the Pennsylvania Constitution and to implement the General...
September 19, 2017
SB 252 PN 232 (Vulakovich): This bill allows parking authorities in cities of the second class to finance, develop, operate, or participate in the operation of, mixed-use projects. It also allows for the lease, license, or easement of land, buildings, and dedicated...
September 18, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017 SB 135, PN 116 (Scavello) – This legislation amends Title 34 (Game) to allow for leashed dogs to track big game after they have been wounded or killed. A vote of 48-0 was recorded. SB 785, PN 1092 (Rafferty) – The bill amends Title 75...
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